The University recognised that the library needed an improved study and socialising area to give their students a quality educational experience. The renovation aimed to provide a pleasing flow to the building’s aesthetics and enhance the student and visitor experience.
Kaarla Mia, meaning home fire in Noongar, is at the heart of this new student space. It is a meeting place for all ECU students. Longtail by 31 Degrees was customised to incorporate seating, meeting tables & standing height workspaces along with Odd Stools in the entry areas of the library, the perfect multi purpose footprint.
Enclosed meeting and work spaces for individual work or meetings with external agencies are included in the heart of the design. The Nera Workstation and Nera Desking System were used to promote interaction and focus work in these areas along with Longo seating by Actiu for lounging and relaxing.